She Says:
Riddle me this: What do Mike Bloomberg, the MTA, The GOP and Apple all have in common?
Answer: They are all closely linked and allied if not the very Devil himself!
Bloomberg bought his way out of term limits and had become the Dictator in Chief of NYC. The MTA holds the city hostage with ever increasing fares and ongoing "service improvements" That only seem to serve to eff up most people's already hellish commutes. The GOP wants you to pay FICA and die! Why should average citizens see a doctor? But you'd better file those 1040's... Or that's your ass! But, on to my devil of the day, but very high on my list all days...APPLE.
As I type this rant I am on an iMac. An iMac that some awesome friends gave me when they crumbled and bought a new over priced Mac. I have never bought an apple product first hand. I refuse. I'm broke. Apple's rich. Everybody buys Apple..So apple don't need my money.. Shout outs to the two cool people I bought my first macs from on craigslist. Super Shout outs to Joe & D. The kind benefactors that gave me this mac for $0. And a drink or two :)
****Warning: The rest of this post will contain some four letter words. Some will find it amusing, others offensive...But I don't care. Because this is how I feel down deep in my soul. When something ticks me off, even if you don't hear it out loud I'm cussing on the inside. God hears it. So why bother hiding it from you.****
I used to love Apple. The macs were shiny, and cool. And they did cool stuff that windows did not. They had ITUNES!!! 99 cents a song! Whoo hoo! I no longer had to buy an entire 16 track crappy cd just for 3 cool songs! Genius! Oh look! Itunes works on PC. I signed up. All the while saving my pennies so That I could eventually buy my very own (overpriced but awesome) mac.
One day, and 400 dollars into my Itunes library. My hard drive died. Just died. No warning or anything just bye bye hard drive. I lost my pics and all of my music. I know they tell you to back up your itunes. You are supposed to back up everything. But who actually does it before their first computer meltdown? No One. That's who.
So I do the logical thing and call Apple. I tell them my story, and ask them to explain to me how I can download my music again. They say that I can't. But I can go to my account where every song I bought is listed and buy them all again if I'd like.
Hell No! I would not like! I would like for you to re issue my music that we both know I spent 400 dollars on. I'm sorry ma'am. We just cannot do that. There is no way we can.
That's pretty much how that stupid ass conversation went.
Those Bastards!! They act like I asked them to ship me a bunch of CDs or a crate of vinyl. The music is digital!! Why can't they just press a few buttons. Re-digitize and send me my shit?! That is when I realized that Apple did not give a crap about it's customers.
I found "other ways" to get my music back. And I was happy. It was also then that I decided I would only buy Apple products second hand if at all possible. They don't care about me... They ain't getting my money! Some time had passed and I was looking for a song. I could not find it anywhere. I knew I had purchased it from itunes before so I bit the bullet and went to re purchase the song. Do you know that apple had the audacity to grey out the song so that I could not re purchase it!
So... I called Apple. "Umm yeah.. sooo. I wanted to buy this song right? And Ya'll won't let me."
"Well we see you've purchased it before. So you can't purchase it again" That's when I snapped and informed the chick on the line that I would be calling back everyday, all day until someone in there let me buy that damn song again. I vowed to holler at every poor soul who answered the phone until I got digital justice. Suddenly a supervisor came on the line and said that they would make a one time exception and re issue all 400 dollars of my music to me. As a courtesy. My ass. Here's a courtesy. Be good to your customers before they turn into hollering shrews.
I have heard horror stories of people walking into the Apple store with a loose screw on a unit and being charged more that what the computer is worth to fix it or offered an upgrade on a new machine.
Just today I decided that I needed to upgrade my mac's software. I go to the website and see that the newest upgrade will be released in July. Cool. I'll get it then.. NOT so fast. In order to get the latest upgrade you have to have every one in between. I'm running leopard. Mountain lion comes out in July. Snow leopard and lion are between them. So I effectively have to buy and install two useless upgrades to get to the new one. Why? is this a punishment for not following the curve? That's like Microsoft saying you are using XP. You want windows 7? You gotta buy Vista. I know. We are not using it anymore, but we don't appreciate that you did not buy it. You were supposed to buy it. and for your defiance, we will force you to buy it.
Ain't this about a bitch. How about they just charge extra to skip upgrades? That would make sense.
Apple doesn't care what makes sense. Apple wants assimilation. Like the Borg. They want you to abandon all free thought and purchase. They want your mind, your wallet and your immortal soul. But that usually is the price you pay for dealing with Satan isn't it?
Kiss my grits Apple! I will find "other ways" to get that upgrade. My money belongs to me! My soul belongs to Jesus! And my heart belongs to PC! I'm just using you because you're flashy and easy.